As innovative of a company Apple is, it is surprising to think they have not embraced Social Media. Heck, even Bill Gates has a Twitter account now (@billgates). After just 2 weeks, Mr. Gates has more than 415,000 followers and the list is growing every day.
It is worth noting that within the past week Apple launched a YouTube channel where Apple has published five high-def videos about the new iPad. This move into Social Media makes sense considering a few years ago Apple’s only competitor was Microsoft. These days they also have to worry about Google, Nokia, Adobe and now the Amazon Kindle.
The more Apple pushes new products, the more competition they are going to have. It took time for the fans of Apple to build a base for their computers. With a little research, anyone can find out that if you bash Apple computers online; there will be fans ready to defend the brand. In iPad’s new waters, though, it is risky to assume the fans of other brands will easily jump ship and join Apple.