Sure, any Web site can benefit from a little tinkering. A total makeover might not hurt, right? But many companies could literally use a “face” lift. Recent studies in eye tracking show that people spend more time with Web sites that feature a human face. It is basic human nature. Someone walks into your office, you look them in the eye. You instantly assess their mood and respond accordingly. If the person looks ticked, you get your back up. If they are smiling, you smile back. One way or another, you immediately connect. Well, it turns out, this basic human instinct is something we carry into surfing the Web. In fact, eye-tracking studies indicate that when we look at a Web page we look right away for whatever human face is on the page. The second thing we notice? Whatever the face is turned toward. Humanity in a Web site isn’t just eye candy. It actually makes the site more effective. This is just one more way you can increase Web usability and make your site stickier.
1 comment:
I am impressed with the approach you have discussed to make website more effective. I heard about eye tracking technique many times but is not familiar with its purpose.
user engagement
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