Who is Gen Y?
Generation Y are also known as Millennial or Echo Boomers. Their birthdates range from late 70s to early 90s and there are over 75 million living in the US. Raised by Baby Boomers, they were brought up to believe they can do anything and be anything they want.
Everything about Gen Y has been shaped by opportunity and destruction. Technology has given them the greatest opportunity for advancement, while every year their lives are shaped by a worldly disaster. From the Gulf War, Columbine Shooting, 9-11, Tsunami, Hurricane Katrina to Desert Storm in Afghanistan, Gen Y has been affected. Yet, they are striving to be the most optimistic and creative generation.
What is so special about Gen Y?
Gen Y is the fastest growing segment in the workforce today. They have high expectations not only of themselves, but of their co-workers and boss. They are hard workers, but a generation of multi-taskers, who can be working on a project, talking on the phone, updating their Twitter, Blog and their Facebook all at the same time.
Gen Y lives by a work-life balance, which isn’t just a trend, but their mantra. They aren’t looking for just a JOB, they are looking for JOY. It’s important to them to have joy while on the job. More than half of Gen Y workers prefer a job with volunteer opportunities, according to the Deloitte Survey. A place of work that donates, has a significant cause, or has a volunteer program is more likely to have Gen Y happiness than no Gen Y at all.
How do I market to Gen Y?
The Gen Y community has grown up learning, “Don’t trust advertisers.” Less than half get their information and news from television or radio – both traditional media forms of advertising. Most of the Gen Y community gets their information and news from one another. They text, IM, watch YouTube of each other, Twitter and they Google everything. They speak to each other about their likes and dislikes then blog about it at the end of the day.
There are 6 major rules to consider when marketing to Gen Y.
1. Create a good quality product
2. Provide it at a good value
3. Have fast service
4. Allow them to have an “experience”
5. Make sure it’s hip
6. Most importantly, be authentic
Authenticity is the most important rule when marketing to the Gen Y community. To earn their respect and get them talking to their friends about your product or brand, you have to be authentic. They know real when they see it.
A couple of important things to remember when learning about Gen Y and how to market to them is: listen, hang out, experience their life on their terms and most importantly respect them. They are the most transparent generation to date and Social Networking is the key to successful marketing with Gen Y.
Facebook and Twitter are two of the most popular social networking sites to immediately get connected to the Gen Y audience. Check out Agency Creative’s Facebook and Twitter to begin your connection:
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