Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Above the fold: a rule to be broken
Monday, December 21, 2009
Why Businesses Should Consider Using a Content Management System in 2010
Agency Creative designed and developed a website for Equest that featured a Content Management System. We will use their site as an example to show you why a CMS website was beneficial for Equest and why it can also be beneficial for your business.
A Content Management System website would allow for you to have less dependence on your developer when it comes to quick edits.
With time, comes change. Websites should not ignore this rule. With a CMS website, businesses have the power to constantly tweak their website’s content to reflect trends that are always changing.
Let’s examine a brief scenario involving the Equest “About Us” page.
Lets say Equest notices numerous comments on their Facebook fan page about one of their newer services. Naturally, Equest decides it would benefit users if they mentioned this service on their "About Us" page. All they’d need to do is
- Log in to their CMS with their chosen username and password
- Find the page (under articles for the CMS system)
- Add the new content using the built-in WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor.
- Click Save
Here is the system at a closer look.
On the left side of the page is the WYSIWYG editor. Here users can change the content, upload photos, create links and much more. On the right, there are options to change the Meta description and keywords for search engine optimization purposes.
We wanted to give Equest a well-branded site that gave them the ability to make quick edits. The CMS solution was perfect for them. In fact, it is perfect for any business that needs complete control over the speed and implementation of website content editing.
If your industry demands websites with up-to-minute information or you are constantly going to your developer to make edits to your website, a Content Management System is an efficient solution.
If you are interested in learning more about a CMS website for your business, you should contact us at info@agencycreative.com or call us at 972-488-1660. You can also look over two more CMS websites we developed for another client below.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
dPi re-energizes its brand

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Holiday Cyber Shopping
Black Friday’s results were an encouragement to American retailers. Sales grew a whopping .05%. Okay, strike “whopping.” Still, considering the poor state of the economy, not too shabby. But the real news is what happened online. There, sales were up 11%. That’s a hefty $595 million. Pretty “whopping.”
Rather than queuing up in your long johns in some frosty parking lot waiting for Walmart’s doors to open, the smart customers pointed and clicked through their Christmas lists. They filled up their cyber shopping carts and checked out without standing in a single line. Plus, they did this all in the toasty comfort of their own homes.
Forecasters believe that Black Friday is just the tip of the iceberg. Trends indicate that online shopping begins to go through the roof on the Monday following Thanksgiving weekend. These emerging trends in holiday shopping reveal how consumers are deepening their love affair with the Internet. Now is the time for marketers to put their brand where the customers are lining up: the Web. You don’t have to have an e-commerce site to see results. Look at social media. A recent survey indicates that Facebook, Twitter and customer reviews are some of the most effective tactics for mobilizing consumers to talk up products (Etailing survey of 117 companies, September 2009). Leveraging social media can improve your organic rankings on search engines, populate the Internet with positive product reviews and even raise the click-through rates of your online banner ads.
Today, having a marketing plan that wisely utilizes the Web is essential in both building your brand and building demand. Marketers who embrace this trend will reap the dividends. Those who don’t will be, like that midnight line in the Walmart parking lot, left out in the cold.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Making that sensory emotional connection.
One thing a lot of great brands have in common is their ability to connect emotionally with consumers via the five senses: sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. In the case of my encounter with Mr. Seger, sound is all I needed to remind me that Chevy trucks are built like a rock and can withstand extensive mileage, weather and wear and tear for many years. This is great example of a brand that drove home a strong selling point with a catchy classic that mirrored its most important product attribute.
And when fighting a consumer’s mind for recall and recognition, especially these days with so much traditional and digital clutter, you have to tap into a consumer’s senses and connect with them on a personal level. Whether you do it through an exciting TV spot, a catchy radio tune or a compelling logo that shapes your brand around a their brain, your consumer will remember you.
One of the more common, widely exposed senses is sight. And a good example of brand consistently triggering your eyeballs is McDonalds. You’ll find nothing new here that’ll tell you why McDonalds is number one in the fast food category. And why they’ll most likely stay number one for a while. When you’re driving in your car and you see the Golden Arches in sight, a quarter mile down the road amongst a handful of other fast food joints, odds are your mind will gravitate towards this iconic sign. That’s because you probably don’t need to see the name of the restaurant to know that McDonalds will satisfy your craving for short-term, inexpensive happiness. At least you know what makes me happy.
While the two aforementioned senses ruled consumer advertising for nearly a century and a half, according to world renowned branding guru Martin Lindstrom, author of “Brand Sense – Build Powerful Brands through Touch, Taste, Smell, Sight, and Sound” (2005), the other untapped senses must be tapped in order to make an effective sensory connection.
Starbucks is a great example of a brand that tied smell with its most obvious product: coffee. It wasn’t until 2008 when Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz reinstated the idea of freshly ground coffee beans at Starbucks locations. The thought was to bring back that rich, coffee aroma to trigger that powerful emotion in Starbucks customers. One whiff of this successful smell would leave a mental note in customers’ minds as to where they needed to pick up their next cup of Joe.
At Agency Creative, we really get to know our clients’ brands and help them make that emotional connection with their consumers. We dig deep to understand what makes their brand unique and special, and discover how we can expose their greatest qualities.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Will Google Wave be the final death nail of e-mail?
It has been referred to as a game-changer for communication and even the death of e-mail. So how is Google Wave going to back these statements up? With key features that make Google Wave much cleaner, more efficient and just more fun than e-mail. Let’s take a look below.
How is it different from e-mail?
Google Waves are messages between two or more people online. Google claims that the idea of e-mail came more than 40 years ago. So, with the help of the two brothers who invented Google Maps, the Google team sat down and recreated an online messaging tool that is more efficient and also comes with all the bells and whistles of Web 2.0.
1. Real-Time Updates. Updates to Waves will be real-time. Real-time means the days of clicking “send” after you type your message are over. With Google Wave your text will simply appear to all recipients as you type it. So if you and your co-worker have a Wave open at the same time, his or her words appear as they type them. After your co-worker is done typing, there will be no need to click a send button because the message will already be visible to you. (For those of you concerned about your case of chronic impulse typing, real-time updates can be disabled.)
2. Web site and Blog Embedding. Your wave can also function as a dynamic part of your blog or Web site. If you choose, you can embed your Wave onto your blog or Web site so you or all of the people included in the Wave can update your blog or Web site in real-time with ease.
3. Wiki Functionality. You may not know this, but before it became today’s go-to encyclopedia, Wikis were primarily used internally among employees of companies for editing documents. Google Wave is bringing this technology into homes and offices with easy accessibility. Imagine being able to have four co-workers attached to a Wave with the ability to all read a document and make changes as necessary without having to print it out and send it through the office.
Random Fact: Before Facebook went international they used a Wiki-type service to have the social network translated in numerous languages. They put out a request to bilingual users of the English site and asked them to comb through the content and translate it into whatever language they knew other than English. The plan worked and they had their site translated cost-free by users of Facebook.
4. Gadgets within Google Waves. Much like blogs and Web sites today, you will be able to have gadgets functioning within your Wave. One of the gadgets that has been shown off is a translation tool. It works like this: you are talking to someone from Russia and neither one of you are fluent in the other’s native tongue. As you both start the Wave with each other you also enable the translation gadget. As you type to your recipient the gadget takes the message in real-time and translates it for you. This in turn creates a seamless conversation between two people who do not speak the same language.
5. Message rewind. If you are invited to a Wave a week after it was started you will probably have a few questions as far as what chronological order messages were typed. This will not be much of a problem. First off, these messages will probably look something like your Facebook wall today. Someone posts a message, and someone else can leave a comment under that message. If that is not enough for you, you can rewind the message back to the beginning so you can watch what order each addition was added.
How can you get a Google Wave account?
Right now the only way you can get an account is if someone you know has one already and they nominate you to be an early user. If you do not know anyone with an account, then you have to wait for the full release, which is unknown at this time.
Learn more about Google Wave
Short illustration video that briefly describes Google Wave. (2:15)
Google’s short video on Google Wave (7:52)
Google’s long video on Google Wave (1:20:11)
Thursday, November 5, 2009
7 Ways to Build Your Brand using Twitter
1. Choose a strong Username.
Choose a one word Twitter username that is relevant to your company and is easy to remember. Your user name becomes part of your Twitter URL, e.g. http://www.twitter.com/Jackbox. This creates a static URL for future search indexing.
2. Pick a good Account Name.
Your account name is what appears in your profile, next to your icon/image. This can be different than your Twitter username. Jack in the Box uses simply Jack Box for their account name. You will want to choose an account name that promotes your company or brand.
3. Promote it like a wild man.
Once your account is set up, start building your list of followers. A good way to do this is to prominently display your Twitter URL on your Web site and Facebook page. Along with the Twitter icon, have a blurb encouraging users to “follow” your brand on Twitter.
4. 26 characters. One plot.
The first 26 characters of each tweet are important for SEO. They determine what appears in the tweet title tag and hence what shows up as a search result on most search engines.
5. Keywords are key.
Wherever possible, start your tweet with a keyword phrase to theme the message, e.g. Energy Saving tip of the day.
6. Make it easy to re-tweet.
By limiting the number of characters in your tweets to about 120, your followers can easily add RT @YourUserName in front of the tweet and pass it on.
7. Link, link, link.
Whenever possible, insert links in your tweets to direct users to content on your website. Twitter is a significant traffic driver for blogs and websites. To keep the character count down, use a URL shortener like Is.gd or Bit.ly. In some cases, Twitter automatically shortens your URLs using bit.ly.
You can View Agency Creative's Twitter at twitter.com/AgencyCreative
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Agency Creative helps Tyler Technologies, Inc. unveil integrated branding initiative
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Is Social Media Marketing Right For My Business?

At the speed that social media marketing is becoming a social norm for companies, in the near future, it will be common for most companies to be involved in some sort of social media. Today, if a company is operating without an e-mail address or a Web site, they seem out of touch. Soon we can expect the same for companies who choose not to participate in social media.
There are many pros and cons to social media. The following is a list of pros and cons to help your company determine if social media is right for you.
The pros
- Social media marketing helps improve the relevancy and organic search engine results of your company’s brand.
- Your company can reach target audiences that traditional marketing cannot.
- Social media marketing has become one of the simplest ways to humanize your company, while at the same time generating brand loyalty.
- Creates customer interaction, making it easier to tailor your products and services to your customers by listening to their needs and concerns.
- Offers another way to learn more about your target audience and gain new target audience prospects.
- Social media marketing is extremely cost-efficient (even when outsourced to a marketing agency) when compared to traditional media marketing.
- Adds transparency to your company, offering consumers an open perspective of your business (very important to Generation Y which is being called the “most transparent generation to date.” You can read more in our Gen Y article).
The Cons
- Social Media Marketing demands commitment; once you have an audience, it is up to you to cultivate them and keep them interested.
- With the aspect of transparency, anything you publish is open to the public.
- Without the ability to repress reader’s comments you are open for potential scrutiny.
- ROI is delayed most of the time. Social media is viral, but it still takes time. This is something that should be thought of as a long term marketing effort when deciding if your company should engage in social media.
With all of that being said, simply publishing a Facebook Fan Page and posting a few random tweets about your company isn’t going to get your company the viral exposure for which you’d hope. Before beginning your social media marketing campaign, you need to formulate a plan, choose your target audience, decide what each social network will address and set your goals.
One of your goals should be to spread knowledge about your company and your industry, the kind of knowledge that your followers will feel inclined to spread to their friends.
For examples of social media efforts you can view Agency Creative’s social media links below:
Related Article:
Understand the Gen Y Audience
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Targeting Consumers with Content Marketing
Content marketing is the art of understanding what “content” the consumer wants or needs to know. When you impart that information to the consumer, you instantly become the consumer’s friend. You begin to form a relationship with them. You become a trusted resource that they will, in turn, pass on to their friends and colleagues.
So you understand it is important for your business to have relevant content, now what? It’s time to develop a content marketing plan. First, make a commitment. Understand that great, high-quality content takes time, effort and expertise. Second, think about your target audience and the type of consumer you are seeking. Third, determine the wants and needs of the consumer. And fourth, put your plan into motion by creating a content marketing schedule. Set your plan for at least six months out of when and where content will be generated and posted. You may want to consider hiring a media and marketing strategist to create a strategic content marketing schedule. Sound like a plan?
Creating a content marketing plan can be challenging, but Agency Creative can help you define and create a strategic content marketing plan for your company. Check back in a few weeks for my newest blog on content marketing tips.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Give your Web site a Face-lift

Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Marketing in the Blink of an Eye

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Understand the Gen Y Audience

Who is Gen Y?
Generation Y are also known as Millennial or Echo Boomers. Their birthdates range from late 70s to early 90s and there are over 75 million living in the US. Raised by Baby Boomers, they were brought up to believe they can do anything and be anything they want.
Everything about Gen Y has been shaped by opportunity and destruction. Technology has given them the greatest opportunity for advancement, while every year their lives are shaped by a worldly disaster. From the Gulf War, Columbine Shooting, 9-11, Tsunami, Hurricane Katrina to Desert Storm in Afghanistan, Gen Y has been affected. Yet, they are striving to be the most optimistic and creative generation.
What is so special about Gen Y?
Gen Y is the fastest growing segment in the workforce today. They have high expectations not only of themselves, but of their co-workers and boss. They are hard workers, but a generation of multi-taskers, who can be working on a project, talking on the phone, updating their Twitter, Blog and their Facebook all at the same time.
Gen Y lives by a work-life balance, which isn’t just a trend, but their mantra. They aren’t looking for just a JOB, they are looking for JOY. It’s important to them to have joy while on the job. More than half of Gen Y workers prefer a job with volunteer opportunities, according to the Deloitte Survey. A place of work that donates, has a significant cause, or has a volunteer program is more likely to have Gen Y happiness than no Gen Y at all.
How do I market to Gen Y?
The Gen Y community has grown up learning, “Don’t trust advertisers.” Less than half get their information and news from television or radio – both traditional media forms of advertising. Most of the Gen Y community gets their information and news from one another. They text, IM, watch YouTube of each other, Twitter and they Google everything. They speak to each other about their likes and dislikes then blog about it at the end of the day.
There are 6 major rules to consider when marketing to Gen Y.
1. Create a good quality product
2. Provide it at a good value
3. Have fast service
4. Allow them to have an “experience”
5. Make sure it’s hip
6. Most importantly, be authentic
Authenticity is the most important rule when marketing to the Gen Y community. To earn their respect and get them talking to their friends about your product or brand, you have to be authentic. They know real when they see it.
A couple of important things to remember when learning about Gen Y and how to market to them is: listen, hang out, experience their life on their terms and most importantly respect them. They are the most transparent generation to date and Social Networking is the key to successful marketing with Gen Y.
Facebook and Twitter are two of the most popular social networking sites to immediately get connected to the Gen Y audience. Check out Agency Creative’s Facebook and Twitter to begin your connection:
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
The Twittering/Facebooking of America

Friday, August 28, 2009
3 Must-Have Tools for Performing Effective Search Engine Optimization

1. Google’s Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide
Google’s Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide (PDF Download)
2. Web Site Grader
Web Site Grader
3. Search Engine Ranking Tool
Free Search Engine Rankings Check in Seconds
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Tyler Technologies Partners Up With Agency Creative
“Agency Creative clearly demonstrated their experience, strong creative and keen strategic branding insights. They fully understood the daunting scope of our needs and our unique opportunity to grow this brand. Add to that instant sense of chemistry, and we knew we had found true marketing partners,” confided Samantha Crosby, Senior Director of Marketing, Tyler Technologies.
“Agency Creative is thrilled to be part of the Tyler Technologies team,” said Agency Creative President, Mark Wyatt. “We look forward to advancing the power of this already significant brand.”
Agency Creative is a full-service strategic branding agency that specializes in helping companies deal with the challenges and obstacles that are associated with brand transition. If your brand is in transition, call us at 972.488.1660. It’s what we do.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Agency Creative launches new branding campaign for Allied Affiliated Funding
"The Agency Creative team has been an absolute delight to work with on the re-branding of our company. Their professionalism, strategic guidance, creativity and keen attention to detail is refreshing. I have been very pleased with the exceptional work and service we have received, and I am glad to have found such a reliable and innovative agency partner," stated Karen Tramel, Director of Marketing.
On April 21, we launched the Allied's new strategic brand positioning and branding campaign. Read the full story and see the creative.